Tuesday, March 3, 2009

so you're sayin there's a chance...

the other night i heard one of the best lines i've ever heard:

"yeah i'd love to see you again, can i get your number? oh, but just fyi, i may not be available to hang out a lot. you see, i'm a marine biologist so i'm only in town a couple months out of the year. the rest of the time i'm in alaska studying the migration patterns of whales..."

this is one of the best excuses i've ever heard. kudos for whoever figured this one out, i mean it's not like you would ever really know until you got serious with the person, but then how could you, they're in "alaska" 1/2 the time.


1 comment:

The Alleged Ringleader said...

I swear guys never cease to amaze me with their bullshit!
What a tool.